Sylvia & Me
Donna VanderPoel, Creator Stamford CT Rocks, Spreading Happiness Everywhere & Lauren Zajac, Fulltime Working Single Mom of 3, Spreading Gratitude Everywhere

This week I talk with two different women, each making an impact in these crazy times.  One who is spreading Happiness and the other, Gratitude. 

Donna VanderPoel, Creator of Stamford CT Rocks, Mother, Student, Former Teacher and ‘I Spy’. ‘I Spy this, I Spy that’ was a game that Donna noticed so many parents were repeatedly doing with their children. The pandemic and social distancing were having parents pull from their childhood. An oldie and sometime goodie, Donna thought that there had to be something a little better. And so, Stamford CT Rocks was born. Yes, rock painting, hiding rocks, and finding the hidden rocks was not new. But this was different, it was taking place on social media for her New England town of Stamford, CT during a pandemic. Within 3 weeks Stamford CT Rocks had over 738 members. And its members now include people from near and far. Seems that spreading happiness and bringing smiles to people, is not a small thing.

Lauren Zajac, Chief Legal Officer for WorkHuman, single full time working mom of 3, stumbled at the beginning. Twin teenage girls and a fifteen year old son, home schooling, working from home and running the house, just a slight change to her her daily life. Lauren discovered the opportunity to gain a balanced perspective due to the pandemic. Her children were deputized, yes deputized. Life may not always be perfect and days may be different than planned but Lauren took a deep breadth and realized that this could be the time to take a pause, look around and be grateful for things that she taken for granted. Gratitude is what Lauren is spreading. Her journey has not always been easy and the house may be messy at times, but even when life is not all roses, gratitude is what has led to her success. She is sharing her journey.

Both women are spreading happiness and gratitude during these strange times. Two things that can sometimes make days easier, even for just a little while.