Why Big Data Is Failing Women In STEM And How To Fix It

Why Big Data Is Failing Women In STEM And How To Fix It

Walmart can tell you how many of anything are in a given store or warehouse at any moment. Apps track your heartrate and your phone tracks your location at any moment. C-suite executives monitor everything in their organizations daily. Big Data dominates our economy....
The unwritten rules for getting promoted often leave out women

The unwritten rules for getting promoted often leave out women

Executives who care about diversity should examine the track in their companies to senior management. When Geraldine Ferraro ran for vice president in 1984, I was in high school. When Sarah Palin ran 24 years later, I was a partner at management consulting firm Oliver...
Impact of women leaving workforce will ripple through economy

Impact of women leaving workforce will ripple through economy

Women have born the brunt of the economic pain in this pandemic recession, hit hard by layoffs in the shutdown then by shrinking child care options and schools shifting to remote learning. The pandemic amplified existing inequity in women’s pay, a shortage of...