Divorce made me a better mother: A true story

Divorce made me a better mother: A true story

Today, Mother’s Day, my two teen daughters and I will do nothing. I hope. With luck, there will be no surprise brunch full of carbs they like (Belgian waffles), nor gift baskets of mystery bath stuff (with which my bathroom cabinet already overflows). While I...
How My Parents’ Divorce Taught Me To Be More Open To Love

How My Parents’ Divorce Taught Me To Be More Open To Love

“Are you and mom going to get a divorce?” I asked my dad. We were walking down York Avenue and had just made a turn to our block. Seventh grade would be starting in a few days. A moment of silence had fallen between us. I had just cut my hair to the shortest it had...
How to handle ‘co-parenting’ after divorce

How to handle ‘co-parenting’ after divorce

WHETHER you’re married, divorced, or separated, it doesn’t matter: co-parenting is never easy when you and your child’s mother or father are on different wavelengths. It can become extremely challenging when you have separated, and may not be on good terms with the...
How To Debunk Your Child’s Post-Divorce Fears

How To Debunk Your Child’s Post-Divorce Fears

How much do you think your child knows about divorce? Their previous exposure to the concept and process may have been limited to representations in television shows or stories they heard from their friends. Whether or not the concept is entirely new, it’s...


Children naturally want their parents to remain married forever. This desire typically stems more from the child’s fear of the unknown than from any other source. When parents decide to divorce, this may not even be a surprise to children, since by the time they reach...