Here’s how women can become financially independent

Here’s how women can become financially independent

KEY POINTS Some 90% of women will be solely responsible for their finances at some point in their life. By 2020, women are expected to control $72 trillion, or 32% of all wealth globally, up from $51 trillion in 2015. The key to their success will be to find a...
This is how women can take control of their health

This is how women can take control of their health

By Julianne Pepitone It’s a scene familiar to many women who have visited a doctor’s office: You come seeking relief, detailing your symptoms and hoping for an explanation. Instead the provider acts skeptical or brushes off your concerns, and you return home not...
When Women Control the Money, Female Founders Get Funded

When Women Control the Money, Female Founders Get Funded

Female entrepreneurs have long known how hard it is to raise money from a roomful of men. “I would walk into these rooms of late-40s, early-50s dudes — potential investors — and they would just look at me blankly, like, ‘I do not get it,’” said Rachel Drori, the...
One in seven widows are missing out on valuable tax breaks

One in seven widows are missing out on valuable tax breaks

Thousands of widows could be needlessly paying tax on money inherited from lost loved ones, as new data reveals that only a handful claim valuable reliefs on windall Isa savings. In 2015 the Government introduced a new rule that allows bereaved spouses and civil...
Facing Divorce? 7 Common Costly Financial Mistakes To Avoid

Facing Divorce? 7 Common Costly Financial Mistakes To Avoid

Divorce is costly in many ways. It’s time consuming, emotionally draining and can end up costing you big bucks. While working with new clients who are recently divorced, I often have to clean up some of the financial mess that resulted from poor decisions that were...