How to Split Insurance in a Divorce

How to Split Insurance in a Divorce

Amid the grief and complicated logistics of divorce, insurance may not be top of mind. But getting your coverage in order should be high on your to-do list. The right insurance creates a financial safety net for the fresh start ahead. Here’s a breakdown of what to do....
Five Things That Will Help You Overcome Your Divorce

Five Things That Will Help You Overcome Your Divorce

The Secret To Getting Over Divorce Is Telling Yourself These 5 Things  Your thoughts, not your circumstances, determine if you thrive after divorce. You could end up with the house, your preferred custody plan, the china and the crystal, and still blame your ex for...
Social Media Dos and Don’ts During a Divorce

Social Media Dos and Don’ts During a Divorce

Social media is a great source of information for lawyers.  The very nature of the medium is to let others know what you’re doing and what you’re thinking. Sometimes, however, “what you’re doing and what you’re thinking” may be things you would just as soon not have...
What Not to say to someone going through a divorce

What Not to say to someone going through a divorce

Learning how to say the right things starts with learning what the wrong things are. I was about to start with, “It blows my mind…”, but I realize it’s actually not much of a surprise to be compiling this list. As a psychiatry resident, I have started to become...
The Secret To A Successful And Happy Divorce

The Secret To A Successful And Happy Divorce

Divorce is such an ugly word in the English language. It has so many negative connotations. And we’re constantly reminded of our marital status no matter where we go. Go to the doctor and they’ll ask you the marital status. Online, they’ll ask you your marital status....
How I learned to love my own (small) space after a divorce

How I learned to love my own (small) space after a divorce

When I arrived home, I would look at my landlord’s gracious house and think, “I used to live in the big house. How did I wind up here? A decade ago my now ex-husband and I purchased a nearly 100-year-old wood-framed house in Inman Park. Built in Colonial Revival...