You’ll be a hell of a lot happier.
No matter what pain points existed in your marriage, divorce can be the point of relief — or at least kickstart the process of healing.
But the real happiness after divorce is not usually about what you leave but what you find: strength you did not know you had. Skills you had no idea you could develop. Passions that were hidden, forgotten, or yet to be discovered.
Without a spouse, you’re often forced to take on new and different responsibilities, to try new things — whether that’s signing up for a cooking class you’ve always wanted to take or learning how to fix your washing machine. As Corinne, a 37-year-old divorcée from Seattle, says, “Self-reliance has forced a spiritual growth that was not possible for me without divorce.”
You’ll have more freedom and control.
One of the greatest gifts of divorce is gaining more control over your daily life, your future, and your time. Your home is now your home — free from anxiety around when the next screaming match will erupt, free from someone else’s hair in the drain, free from bad vibes blanketing the entire space. You want to binge a TV show? Go on your dream vacation? Decorate the house as Pinterest-y as your heart desires? Go for it — it’s all you!