Sylvia & Me
Sylvia & Me
Ida Morris, Mom, Writer, Marketer, Lover of Cooking, Winner Covid -19 Cooking Challenge, #MorrisFamilyKitchen CEO

Ida Morris is a mom, writer, marketer, lover of cooking and CEO of the Morris Family Kitchen. And oh yes, winner of the Covid-19 Cooking Challenge.

Food has always been a symbol of family and bringing people together. In these strange and uncharted times, we need connection. Meet Ida, MacGyver and Mary Poppins rolled into one amazing lady. Ida is an inspiration to all, cooks or not. She not only cooks, but she gathers her family and friends in ways that some of us would never have thought possible. People are following her not just for her recipes, but to see what she has discovered. Discovered in that pantry of hers. Ida is our cooking MacGyver. She’s able to adapt on the run – don’t have a specific ingredient, Ida to the rescue.  Ida is Mary Poppins, you never know what she is going to pull from her pantry.

Hope, inspiration and creativity. Let’s not forget that part. Many have followed her example of a Covid Cooking Challenge and many are waiting with watering mouths for her next meal. Vicariously that is. Listen to a fun conversation in times that we could all use a reason to smile.