Just about two weeks into the New Year. How are you getting on with your ‘resolutions’? Did you even make any? It seems that many people have. And for some that resolution is to end a relationship.

Statistically January is known for being the ‘Divorce Month’, so I decided to see if I could find out why. Here are some of the reasons that have been attributed to it being called the ‘Divorce Month‘:

  • Divorce attorneys take the last two weeks of the year off…how dare they!
  • Parents with children want to keep the holidays as a family and not destroy the ‘holiday’ memories.
  • There’s a tax benefit as a ‘married couple’ so why not take advantage right to the end?

Elizabeth Taylor was famous for being divorced 8 times. The first two times where both in January.  Then it was February, March, June, June, November and October. I guess she hadn’t been told of the ‘Divorce Month.’  Princess Diana’s took place in August.

There’s really no magic month for any relationship to end.  My first divorce took place in October, my second in September. Choosing the ‘best’ month is like trying to plan exactly what month you should have a child (even there the doctors planned on my date of August 15th but my first born decided he had his own plans and arrived June 12th).

What resolutions did you make? We’d like to hear from you.

For me the only plan and resolution I made is to open every door I can and see what’s behind it.