2017 started off with a bang…

January saw us Powering through our Comfort Zone while February got us through Galentine’s Day and Women Celebrating Women.

It has been wonderful to see so many new faces among the familiar coming into the Après Divorce community. The growth has been organic. We not only have women who are contemplating, are in the stages of or have finalized the end of a marriage or long term relationship, but women who have suffered a loss. And then there are those who are here because they have a friend who they believe may benefit from a community of women who understand.

As women we can find it difficult enough to juggle all the aspects of our lives. Add to the mix that we are expected to perform miracles and be there to nurture. It can be absolutely daunting. What should I tell my children? How do I tell my boss? How do I juggle work and home? I don’t want my child to be a latch key child, but what does that really mean? I’m making a big change in my life and the lives of my family. How do I come to terms with this? What are the financial ramifications? I need to move. Can I afford it? Who’s going to help me? I need a realtor…a mortgage…can I buy or rent? What are the legal ramifications?

What about us personally? As women having been part of a couple, how are we supposed to feel being out there on our own? Is it okay to enjoy being alone? What is the difference between feeling alone versus feeling lonely? And then there’s the other big ‘D’…dating! Am I ready to start dating? How in heavens name do I even approach this? Online dating…wow! What does that mean?

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