Kashonia Carnegie, PhD: Conscious Change

Kashonia Carnegie, PhD: Conscious Change

Sylvia & Me
Sylvia & Me
Kashonia Carnegie, PhD: Conscious Change

 ‘If you’re conscious you’re aware of something. The question is, what are you aware of?’ – Kashonia Carnegie

We don’t always think much about what it truly means to be conscious. Does it only mean that we are awake? Or that we actually see what’s around us and understand it? Are we truly conscious? Is there a difference between social consciousness and ethical consciousness? Kashonia Carnegie is a moral philosopher who has researched ethics and conscious change.   And what is conscious change? It’s all about ethics. Looking for patterns, she studied her own life. Kashonia became her own life-coach, before life coaching was a thing. Her findings about her own life journey resulted in the realization that each step had to do with consciousness. They included conscious business skills and conscious leadership when she became Australia’s first female oil company representative. She then went on to become a radio broadcaster using conscious communication skills. And her entrance into academia led her to conscious intelligence competencies.

 Meet Kashonia Carnegie

Kashonia is a Moral Philosopher with a PhD in Ethics of Conscious Change. She is the author of the ‘Conscious Change’ series of books. As a life-long learner, woven throughout all of her media and university work are extensive academic and independent studies. These studies include areas such as spirituality, religious studies, creative thinking, storytelling and positive psychology.

Her work includes leadership coaching; corporate and community workshop design and facilitation. In addition, Kashonia is a sessional mediator/conciliator for state government departments in the Australian states of Victoria and Queensland. She has conducted over 200 mediation/conciliation conferences with a successful resolution in excess of 90%.

 A very conscious changing conversation with Kashonia:
Growing up on a sheep and dairy farm
Defying her mother
Living under the stars
‘Road to Damascus’ experience and the awakening of her own consciousness
Australia’s 1st Female Oil Representative & defying the male-dominated business
Media career and the pre-#Metoo movement
The conscious change movement and ethics
Conscious change, Covid and the rise of feminine energy
Having a purpose in life