No More! Moms Demand Action

No More! Moms Demand Action

Sylvia & Me
Sylvia & Me
No More! Moms Demand Action

Mary Ann Jacob, a library clerk at the school, lived the horror of Sandy Hook 10 years ago.  There was an announcement over the school’s public address system. Not hearing it clearly, Mary Ann called the office. From under her desk, the secretary said: ‘There’s a shooter in the building.’ Boom, boom, boom! Mary Ann and a colleague sheltered 18 children in a closet.

It’s a public safety issue, not a political one. Mary Ann is a volunteer with Moms Demand Action, the grassroots arm of Everytown for Gun Safety. She is also a Survivor Fellow with the Everytown Survivor Network. Her husband is a hunter and a sports shooter. Their two boys were required to take a gun safety course with him.  Their guns are in their house under lock and key. The gun owners that Mary Ann knows believe that gun ownership comes with a grave responsibility.

There is a ripple effect of the mental destruction to survivors, educators, first responders, communities and the children and educators whose lives include lockdown and active shooter drills.

A conversation with Mary Ann Jacob that advocates for public safety – gun safety. It’s not political. Hear why we need to act.