Rose Morris: Founder/Pres. Award Winning Abram’s Nation, Creator of ‘The Safety Sleeper’, Chairman/Co-Founder Fund It Forward, Special Needs Children & Adults Advocate

Rose Morris: Founder/Pres. Award Winning Abram’s Nation, Creator of ‘The Safety Sleeper’, Chairman/Co-Founder Fund It Forward, Special Needs Children & Adults Advocate

Sylvia & Me
Sylvia & Me
Rose Morris: Founder/Pres. Award Winning Abram’s Nation, Creator of ‘The Safety Sleeper’, Chairman/Co-Founder Fund It Forward, Special Needs Children & Adults Advocate

Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Rose’s son Abram is on the autism spectrum. For Rose Morris, the will to make sure that her son had a safe place to sleep, showed her the way. That way led to the creation of the Safety Sleeper. As a result of her will, parents of children with special needs are sleeping better knowing that their children are safe. Rose did not wait for someone else to solve her problem. Because of her drive, so many families are feeling more secure. Rose created Abram’s Nation, a company that with The Safety Sleeper has served over 1500 families.

Recognition for what Rose and her company have created and continue to create,is ongoing. In 2010 Rose received the 40 under 40 award from Pittsburgh Magazine. Abram’s Nation has been honored for contributing to the special needs community.  In addition to the Safety Sleeper, Rose Co-Founded Fund It Forward. Fund It Forward, is a non-profit Rose created to help families get adaptive equipment not covered by insurance. 2018 saw Rose appointed to the Western Pennsylvania District Export Council. The Pittsburgh Business Times honored Rose with the 2018 Women of Influence Award. And Abram’s Nation was awarded the 2017 Exporter of the Year by the Small Business Association.

Rose has adapted and redirected life plans over the years. She has learned to focus on what is important, taking it one day at a time. Rose’s mission is simple – providing practical products with real solutions for special needs problems. Rose’s vision for Abram’s Nation -to be devoted to special needs families around the world.

Find out how it all started and  more. A conversation with Rose Morris, Founder & President of Abram’s Nation and Co-Founder of Fund It Forward. The beginning, the middle and what’s next.