Holiday Season. It’s that time of the year again.
Thanksgiving and the start of the holiday season is upon us. Happy or dread? For some the start of the holiday season can be daunting. For others, memories of family gatherings and the excitement of making new memories are anticipated with joy.
The norm these days, maybe not the norm of days past, but for most, the norm of the present. For most of us it’s some form of a blended family, and not just a blended family from divorce. There is also widowhood, second marriages, step children, in-laws, empty nesters, married children. How do you navigate the holidays when change is always on the horizon?
New traditions can be tough to adapt to. A positive attitude helps, as does laughter and being surrounded by people you want to be surrounded by. Last year a woman contacted me saying that she was going through a hard time. It would be her first Thanksgiving without her daughter since her divorce. It was dad’s time this year. She didn’t know anyone in the neighborhood. I told her how I had to create a new tradition and how hard it had been the first time. It was such a lift to hear from her that weekend. She had spent Thanksgiving serving dinner as a volunteer at a homeless shelter. The next night she had her own Thanksgiving dinner with her daughter.
For some, they’re now empty nesters and maybe their children are not able to make it home for Thanksgiving. For some, they’ve lost a loved one and there may be an empty chair at the table. Others have new grandchildren to add to their table. Or maybe it’s the other grandparent’s turn.
However you are starting off this holiday season, may it be a very Happy Thanksgiving.