It’s June already.  How did that happen? Feels like summer these days.

He’s the father of your children and your ex. While together you always made sure that the children did the right thing…a card…a present…etc.  But now what? There are so many scenarios that can present themselves and choices that need to be made.

Which scenario sounds like you?

1) You have small children

Father’s Day had always been orchestrated by mom.  Now what?

2) You and your ex get along great.

Should you still go out as a family to celebrate the day?

3) Your ex has been doing everything to bad mouth you.

Something you don’t stoop to doing. You’ll make sure the children do the right thing.  He is after all their father.

4) Your ex has a new wife.

The new wife bought cards for the children to give to your ex.  What should you do with the ones you bought them to give to him?

And then…what about your former father-in-law?

1) You really got along well. 

Card or no card?

2) You couldn’t stand each other but there are children/grandchildren. 

Card or no card?

3) You’re getting a divorce and he will soon be your ex-father-in-law. 

Your soon to be ex-husband wants his father to stay away from you.  You and his father had a great relationship. Card or no card?

4) You have newly married children. 

The newly married children have two other families. How do the children split themselves three ways?  There’s the father, the father-in-law and a step-father.  Yikes!

The list can go on and on.  The most important thing to remember is that no matter what, it’s his day. The children are the priority and doing the right thing for their sake is the path to take. Even a couple of hours with his children or your father or your father-in-law can make all the difference in the world. You actually may have the day free. So treat yourself…that mimosa is waiting for you.

You’ll survive the day knowing that you have a celebration to look forward to the following evening, Monday June 19th. Come join us for a fun evening. Ronnie’s going to tell us how to get a date with our story and Jane is going to tell us how to put our best face forward.

Our Speakers

Ronnie Ann Ryan

Dating Coach Ronnie Ann Ryan is the author of four books including her most recent Amazon Bestseller Is He the One? Find Mr. Right by Spotting Mr. Wrong.

Jane La Motta

Jane is a professional portrait and event photographer. She has studied various fine art disciplines her entire life. Jane began taking photographs 24 years ago.