How To Show Up For A Friend Going Through A Divorce

How To Show Up For A Friend Going Through A Divorce

Tips on being there for a friend going through divorce I recently read an article about how important it is, in general, to “show up” for your friends. It got me thinking, specifically, about the toughest time I’ve gone through, my divorce. A few showed up, many...
The Benefits to Writing About Divorce.

The Benefits to Writing About Divorce.

 Writing About Divorce Can Lessen the Pain.  TUCSON, Ariz. — If you’re going through a divorce, a specific form of journaling may help you make it through the process with less distress, a new study finds. Divorce can be a brutal experience for couples, often creating...
The Clothes From My Marriage Helped Me Through My Divorce

The Clothes From My Marriage Helped Me Through My Divorce

I didn’t get rid of the clothes that reminded me of better times — I let them carry me through the hard ones. It was spring when my husband left. Before, as pink cherry blossoms fell brazenly from the trees, I floated around the city in cotton dresses and bright...
Don’t Let Anger Rule Your Life After A Divorce

Don’t Let Anger Rule Your Life After A Divorce

 Living peacefully after divorce. In his book Grieving the Loss Of Your intended Future, Marc Roberts so aptly states: “We don’t go into marriage planning for its demise. We don’t bring children into a marriage planning how to handle their upbringing...
Exercises to ease with divorce stress

Exercises to ease with divorce stress

Conquer Divorce Stress With These 8 Exercises. There is no better way to get rid of divorce stress than with exercise. Not even medication is as good as good old workouts, because workouts use up certain hormones that make you feel good...