Single…Nonmarried…Breaking Assumptions

Single…Nonmarried…Breaking Assumptions

Sylvia & Me
Sylvia & Me
Single...Nonmarried...Breaking Assumptions

Health or happiness – why do we assume married people are healthier and happier? Pro-marriage and haves and have nots – let’s get into this. Where is the raw data? What was the control group? The promise that marriage is a happy place – is that reality? Are marrieds healthier?

I needed to bring back and bring together two women, Jaclyn (Jackie) Geller, Ph. D. and Joan DelFattore, Ph. D. Jackie is an expert in the field of marriage research and marriage history. Joan is a retired professor and single by choice.

The Choice is Not Made Lightly – The Turnaway Study

The Choice is Not Made Lightly – The Turnaway Study

The Choices We Make and Those That Are Made For Us Choices, why are women always perceived to be hasty in their choices? And then often criticized because we haven’t made what is judged to be the right choice? “No woman should be told she can’t make...