American Ex-Wife Reframing Divorce

American Ex-Wife Reframing Divorce

Sylvia & Me
Sylvia & Me
American Ex-Wife Reframing Divorce

New York Times Bestselling author Lyz Lenz is ‘reframing’ divorce and getting rid of the stigma. Her latest book, This American Ex-Wife: How I Ended My Marriage – and – Started My Life is a memoir/manifesto. Lyz debunks the myth of the ‘happily ever’ marriage scenario and gives us the straight talk about divorce. ‘The stigma exists because everybody is afraid of a liberated woman’.

Relationships & Intimacy…

Relationships & Intimacy…

What do you think about when you hear ‘Relationships and Intimacy’? Do you realize that these are two subjects that never get old?  Well, they don’t.

‘The Polite Laundry List’

‘The Polite Laundry List’

‘The Polite Laundry List’ Yes…You’re Allowed to Ask The Laundry List of items that most women are afraid to ask. Not only are we allowed to ask, but we need to ask! We want to thank First County Bank’s AnnaMarie Bocuzzi & Sandra...
A New Tidal Wave? ‘Gray Divorce’

A New Tidal Wave? ‘Gray Divorce’

The Phenomenon of ‘Gray Divorce’ Our May gathering brought us into an engaging conversation surrounding ‘Gray Divorce’. Two very informative speakers started the lively discussion. Jocelyn Crowley, Ph.D., professor at Rutgers, specialist on...
You’re Fabulous! Stop Feeling Invisible.

You’re Fabulous! Stop Feeling Invisible.

Monday night was all about not feeling invisible, breaking the mold, taking a chance and feeling Fabulous!’ The absolutely fabulous women included those who have gone through life changing events. Our host for the evening, the award winning noblesalon of...